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Das TECEflex Schibehülsen-Rohrsystem ist extrem verlässlich und fehlertolerant.

TECEflex – the reliable push sleeve system

TECEflex – Fittings & pipes

Extensive range of fittings

TECEflex - Fittings

TECEflex offer an extensive range of red brass fittings. The red brass fittings can be used for potable water, heating, gas and compressed air. The fittings come from a red brass material unconditionally recommended by the German Environment Agency (UBA) and recognised across Europe that is suitable for all levels of water quality according to the current drinking water regulations.

Alternatively to the red brass series, the range offers an array of low-cost plastic fittings made of high-performance plastic PPSU. The PPSU fittings can be used for potable water, heating and compressed air installations. These are not approved for use in gas installations.

Advantages of the TECEflex fittings at a glance

  • the red brass fittings are universally approved for any application
  • the fittings are suitable for all quality levels of potable water
  • the fittings are made of either pure red brass or pure PPSU. They are not coated or installed. Simple technology - fewer mistakes

The tradesman has the choice between PPSU and red brass fittings.

The three-pipes-one-fitting strategy

TECEflex - Fitting

Naturally, the same fittings can be used not only with the composite pipe, but also with the TECEflex 5-layer plastic pipes too. This reduces storage costs and at the same time offers flexible opportunities for assembly on site.

TECEflex composite pipe

Das TECEflex-Verbundrohr eignet sich gleichermaßen für die Trinkwasser-, Heizungs-, Fußbodenheizungs- und Druckluftinstallation. Das Rohr für die Gasinstallation unterscheidet sich lediglich durch die gelbe Signalfarbe.

The TECE flex composite pipe is equally suitable for potable water, heating, underfloor heating and compressed air installations. The pipe for gas installation differs only by the yellow signal colour. Owing to its special construction, this universal pipe has high safety reserves and remains round and burr-free when cut to length. The medium-associated inner pipe consists of a PE-Xc basic standard pipe. 

This permits high pressure, temperature and corrosion resistance. The additional butt-welded aluminium sheathing serves both as a diffusion block and to reduce longitudinal deformation caused by heat. 

The TECEflex composite pipe is particularly easy the bend by hand, yet retains its rigidity. The outer white layer means that there are no problems installing it in visible locations, e.g. to connect radiators.

Delivery forms
  • Dimensions from 14-63 mm
  • as rolls or in rod form
  • in black corrugated pipe sheathing or
  • pre-insulated variants
Advantages of TECEflex composite pipe
  • universal pipe for five applications
  • length extension comparable to copper pipe
  • visually appealing outer white layer
  • easy to lay because of its bend-resistant rigidity
  • corrosion resistant
  • resistant to heating inhibitors
  • external and internal monitoring
  • outstanding creep strength

PE-Xc 5-layer platic pipe

TECEflex - PE-XC 5s

With the TECEflex PE-Xc 5-layer plastic pipe, the fitter has a low-cost pipe for potable water, heating and compressed air installations.

The new 5-layer technology of the TECEflex PE-Xc 5S pipe also offers an additonal advantage: Placement of the oxygen barrier layer in the centre of the pipe wall. This is thus optimally protected against damage. 

  • same fittings as with the TECEflex composite pipe
  • inner pipe suitable for potable water
  • oxygen-proof for heating installationgs
  • suitable for compressed air installations
  • corrosion-resistant

PE-MDXc heating pipe

DAs TECEflex PE-MDXc-Vollkunststoffrohr wurde speziell für Fußbodenheizungen entwickelt.

The PE-MDXx has been specially designed for underfloor heating. It´s particularly light and lays free of twists but the cross-linking and the 5-layer technology make it especially robust and temperature-stable. It can even be used to connect radiators. 

The new 5-layer technology allows placement of the oxygen barrier layer in the centre of the pipe wall. This is thus optimally protected against damage.