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TECEdrainprofile – shower profile

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TECEdrainprofile – shower profile


Elegantly solved

Drainage reduced to the essential – this is how the elegant stainless steel profile appears at first glance. It's only the intelligent details in this sophisticated design that make the simple understatement in the shower area possible, such as the inner gradient that ensures optimum drainage. Or the lengthadjustable material that allows perfect recessed integration across the entire width of the shower area with no lateral tile pieces. As easy as it is brilliant. That is TECEdrainprofile.

Everything flows.

Everything runs smoothly where there are no corners and edges to interrupt the flow. For the eye as well as for hygiene.

Clean in no time

How do we picture a shower profile? Attractive, practical and with properties that decidedly simplify cleaning. Like TECEdrainprofile.

TECEdrainprofile reduziert durch optimierten Wasserabfluss und den Selbstreinigungseffekt den Reinigungsaufwand

With self-cleaning effect

The inner gradient optimises drainage of water and the self-cleaning effect, thus also reducing the amount of cleaning required. Mounting tolerances are also increased.

Das TECEdrainprofile-Duschprofil kann mit einem einfachen Tuch gereinigt werden.

By the simplest means

Rinse, wipe, done: a simple cloth is enough to clean the low-maintenance stainless steel shower profile.

Das Duschprofil TECEdrainprofile verfügt über eine praktische Push-Funktion für einen einfachen Zugang zur Ablaufleitung

With push function

The profile lid can be folded up with a press of the finger and removed without help – for easy access to the drain line and for removing the odour trap.