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Dichtmanschette Seal System TECE

Seal System sealing set – a smart thing

Seal System sealing set

The Seal System sealing set

Dichtmanschette Seal System TECE
TECE Abdichtungsset mit Füll- und Entleerhahn

The sealing set for wall bushings: the solution for standard-compliant installations. A modern classic must also be able to do this: implement changed normative requirements in practical solutions. The DIN 18534 standard for sealing interiors, which was published in summer 2017, also precisely defines the requirements for wall bushings above the bath and in the shower. The Seal System sealing set offers extra safety here: reliably tight after the trade handover.

Going on cleverly

Due to the market success of this solution, TECE has expanded the set to include a reusable filling and draining valve. This allows the tiler to tap water directly in the bathroom during the construction phase and mix his mortar where it is needed. A contribution to trade understanding.

New in our range

Das TECE Seal System Abdichtungsset wurde um clevere weitere Lösungen ergänzt.


Reusable Seal System filling and draining valve;
Dim.: 1/2"
2 Reusable Seal System construction plug;
Dim.: 1/2" and new 3/4"
3 Seal System sealing sleeve; 
Dim.: 1/2" and new 3/4"
4 Seal System sealing collar; 
Dim.: 1/2" and new 3/4"
5 TECEflex assembly unit with wall panels made of silicon bronze and sound insulating boxes

Simply and clever mounting

With the clever TECE Seal System sealing set, wall bushings on walls exposed to moisture in the bathroom above the bath and in the shower can be created easily, across all trades and in accordance with standards.

Dichthuelse Seal System TECE

(1) The sealing collar is pushed onto the wall disc when the construction plug is screwed in and seals to the outside.

Kuerzung Dichthuelse Seal System TECE

(3) Before installing the fitting, the sealing collar is shortened flush with the wall and the reusable construction plug is unscrewed.

Dichtmanschette Seal System TECE

(2) The sealing sleeve is pulled over the plug and lies directly against the sealing collar.

Hahnverlaengerung Seal System TECE

(4) Then the tap extensions are screwed in.